+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+pub enum SoundcardError {
+ #[error("sound card init aborted unexpectedly")]
+ SoundcardInit,
+ #[error("unable to enumerate devices: {0}")]
+ Host(DevicesError),
+ #[error("unable to locate sound card '{0}' - is it in use?")]
+ CardNotFound(String),
+ #[error("error occurred in soundcard i/o: {0}")]
+ Stream(#[source] StreamError),
+ #[error("unable to retrieve supported configs for soundcard: {0}")]
+ SupportedConfigs(#[source] SupportedStreamConfigsError),
+ #[error("could not find a suitable soundcard config")]
+ NoValidConfigAvailable,
+ #[error("unable to build soundcard stream: {0}")]
+ StreamBuild(#[source] BuildStreamError),
+ #[error("unable to play stream")]
+ StreamPlay(#[source] PlayStreamError),