+/// Transmits a wave file as an M17 stream
+pub struct WavePlayer;
+impl WavePlayer {
+ /// Plays a wave file (blocking).
+ ///
+ /// * `path`: wave file to transmit, must be 8 kHz mono and 16-bit LE
+ /// * `tx`: a `TxHandle` obtained from an `M17App`
+ /// * `source`: address of transmission source
+ /// * `destination`: address of transmission destination
+ /// * `channel_access_number`: from 0 to 15, usually 0
+ pub fn play(
+ path: PathBuf,
+ tx: TxHandle,
+ source: &M17Address,
+ destination: &M17Address,
+ channel_access_number: u8,
+ ) {
+ let mut reader = hound::WavReader::open(path).unwrap();
+ let mut samples = reader.samples::<i16>();
+ let mut codec = Codec2::new(Codec2Mode::MODE_3200);
+ let mut in_buf = [0i16; 160];
+ let mut out_buf = [0u8; 16];
+ let mut lsf_chunk: usize = 0;
+ const TICK: Duration = Duration::from_millis(40);
+ let mut next_tick = Instant::now() + TICK;
+ let mut frame_number = 0;
+ let mut setup = LinkSetup::new_voice(source, destination);
+ setup.set_channel_access_number(channel_access_number);
+ tx.transmit_stream_start(&setup);
+ loop {
+ let mut last_one = false;
+ for out in out_buf.chunks_mut(8) {
+ for i in in_buf.iter_mut() {
+ let sample = match samples.next() {
+ Some(Ok(sample)) => sample,
+ _ => {
+ last_one = true;
+ 0
+ }
+ };
+ *i = sample;
+ }
+ codec.encode(out, &in_buf);
+ }
+ tx.transmit_stream_next(&StreamFrame {
+ lich_idx: lsf_chunk as u8,
+ lich_part: setup.lich_part(lsf_chunk as u8),
+ frame_number,
+ end_of_stream: last_one,
+ stream_data: out_buf,
+ });
+ frame_number += 1;
+ lsf_chunk = (lsf_chunk + 1) % 6;
+ if last_one {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::thread::sleep(next_tick.duration_since(Instant::now()));
+ next_tick += TICK;
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+pub enum M17Codec2Error {
+ #[error("selected card '{0}' does not exist or is in use")]
+ CardUnavailable(String),
+ #[error("default output card is unavailable")]
+ DefaultCardUnavailable,
+ #[error("selected card '{0}' failed to list available output configs: '{1}'")]
+ OutputConfigsUnavailable(String, #[source] cpal::SupportedStreamConfigsError),
+ #[error("selected card '{0}' did not offer a compatible output config type, either due to hardware limitations or because it is currently in use")]
+ SupportedOutputUnavailable(String),
+ #[error("selected card '{0}' was unable to build an output stream: '{1}'")]
+ OutputStreamBuildError(String, #[source] cpal::BuildStreamError),
+ #[error("selected card '{0}' was unable to play an output stream: '{1}'")]
+ OutputStreamPlayError(String, #[source] cpal::PlayStreamError),