X-Git-Url: https://code.octet-stream.net/m17rt/blobdiff_plain/cd3124ca701db72364554f91fdb6a119faa876ec..608ca7e33ab51d812607ddcc3429bfa9aa3c34b0:/m17core/src/tnc.rs?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/m17core/src/tnc.rs b/m17core/src/tnc.rs
index f3622e5..a64f367 100644
--- a/m17core/src/tnc.rs
+++ b/m17core/src/tnc.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-use crate::kiss::{KissBuffer, KissFrame};
+use crate::address::{Address, Callsign};
+use crate::kiss::{
+    KissBuffer, KissCommand, KissFrame, PORT_PACKET_BASIC, PORT_PACKET_FULL, PORT_STREAM,
 use crate::modem::ModulatorFrame;
-use crate::protocol::{Frame, LichCollection, LsfFrame, Mode, PacketFrameCounter};
+use crate::protocol::{
+    Frame, LichCollection, LsfFrame, Mode, PacketFrame, PacketFrameCounter, StreamFrame,
 /// Handles the KISS protocol and frame management for `SoftModulator` and `SoftDemodulator`.
@@ -15,6 +20,60 @@ pub struct SoftTnc {
     /// Current RX or TX function of the TNC.
     state: State,
+    /// Latest state of data carrier detect from demodulator - controls whether we can go to TX
+    dcd: bool,
+    /// If CSMA declined to transmit into an idle slot, at what point do we next check it?
+    next_csma_check: Option<u64>,
+    /// Current monotonic time, counted in samples
+    now: u64,
+    // TODO: use a static ring buffer crate of some sort?
+    /// Circular buffer of packets enqueued for transmission
+    packet_queue: [PendingPacket; 4],
+    /// Next slot to fill
+    packet_next: usize,
+    /// Current packet index, which is either partly transmitted or not transmitted at all.
+    packet_curr: usize,
+    /// If true, packet_next == packet_curr implies full queue. packet_next is invalid.
+    /// If false, it implies empty queue.
+    packet_full: bool,
+    /// The LSF for a stream we are going to start transmitting.
+    ///
+    /// This serves as a general indicator that we want to tx a stream.
+    stream_pending_lsf: Option<LsfFrame>,
+    /// Circular buffer of stream data enqueued for transmission.
+    ///
+    /// When the queue empties out, we hope that the last one has the end-of-stream flag set.
+    /// Otherwise a buffer underrun has occurred.
+    ///
+    /// Overruns are less troublesome - we can drop frames and receiving stations should cope.
+    stream_queue: [StreamFrame; 8],
+    /// Next slot to fill
+    stream_next: usize,
+    /// Current unsent stream frame index
+    stream_curr: usize,
+    /// True if stream_next == stream_curr because the queue is full. stream_next is invalid.
+    stream_full: bool,
+    /// Should PTT be on right now? Polled by external
+    ptt: bool,
+    /// TxDelay raw value, number of 10ms units. We will optimistically start with default 0.
+    tx_delay: u8,
+    /// This is a full duplex channel so we do not need to monitor DCD or use CSMA. Default false.
+    full_duplex: bool,
 impl SoftTnc {
@@ -23,11 +82,30 @@ impl SoftTnc {
             kiss_buffer: KissBuffer::new(),
             outgoing_kiss: None,
             state: State::Idle,
+            dcd: false,
+            next_csma_check: None,
+            now: 0,
+            packet_queue: Default::default(),
+            packet_next: 0,
+            packet_curr: 0,
+            packet_full: false,
+            stream_pending_lsf: None,
+            stream_queue: Default::default(),
+            stream_next: 0,
+            stream_curr: 0,
+            stream_full: false,
+            ptt: false,
+            tx_delay: 0,
+            full_duplex: false,
     /// Process an individual `Frame` that has been decoded by the modem.
     pub fn handle_frame(&mut self, frame: Frame) {
+        if self.ptt {
+            // Ignore self-decodes
+            return;
+        }
         match frame {
             Frame::Lsf(lsf) => {
                 // A new LSF implies a clean slate.
@@ -43,7 +121,10 @@ impl SoftTnc {
                     Mode::Stream => {
                         let kiss = KissFrame::new_stream_setup(&lsf.0).unwrap();
-                        self.state = State::RxStream(RxStreamState { lsf, index: 0 });
+                        self.state = State::RxStream(RxStreamState {
+                            _lsf: lsf,
+                            index: 0,
+                        });
@@ -65,7 +146,7 @@ impl SoftTnc {
                                 let start = 25 * rx.count;
                                 let end = start + payload_len;
                                 rx.packet[start..(start + payload_len)]
-                                    .copy_from_slice(&packet.payload);
+                                    .copy_from_slice(&packet.payload[0..payload_len]);
                                 // TODO: compatible packets should be sent on port 0 too
                                 let kiss =
                                     KissFrame::new_full_packet(&rx.lsf.0, &rx.packet[0..end])
@@ -106,13 +187,13 @@ impl SoftTnc {
                             let lsf = LsfFrame(maybe_lsf);
                             // LICH can change mid-transmission so wait until the CRC is correct
                             // to ensure (to high probability) we haven't done a "torn read"
-                            if lsf.crc() == 0 {
+                            if lsf.check_crc() == 0 {
                                 let kiss = KissFrame::new_stream_setup(&lsf.0).unwrap();
                                 // TODO: avoid discarding the first data payload here
                                 // need a queue depth of 2 for outgoing kiss
                                 self.state = State::RxStream(RxStreamState {
-                                    lsf,
+                                    _lsf: lsf,
                                     index: stream.frame_number + 1,
@@ -130,19 +211,129 @@ impl SoftTnc {
-    pub fn set_data_carrier_detect(&mut self, _dcd: bool) {}
-    pub fn set_now(&mut self, samples: u64) {}
+    pub fn set_data_carrier_detect(&mut self, dcd: bool) {
+        self.dcd = dcd;
+    }
+    pub fn set_now(&mut self, now_samples: u64) {
+        self.now = now_samples;
+        if let State::TxEndingAtTime(time) = self.state {
+            if now_samples >= time {
+                self.ptt = false;
+                self.state = State::Idle;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn ptt(&self) -> bool {
+        self.ptt
+    }
     pub fn set_tx_end_time(&mut self, in_samples: usize) {
-        // This is a relative time from now, expressed in samples
-        // Use the time from set_now() to decide when to drop PTT
+        log::debug!("tnc has been told that tx will complete in {in_samples} samples");
+        if let State::TxEnding = self.state {
+            self.state = State::TxEndingAtTime(self.now + in_samples as u64);
+        }
     pub fn read_tx_frame(&mut self) -> Option<ModulatorFrame> {
-        // yes we want to deal with frames here
-        // it's important to establish successful decode that SoftDemodulator is aware of the frame innards
-        None
+        match self.state {
+            State::Idle | State::RxAcquiringStream(_) | State::RxStream(_) | State::RxPacket(_) => {
+                let stream_wants_to_tx = self.stream_pending_lsf.is_some();
+                let packet_wants_to_tx = self.packet_full || (self.packet_next != self.packet_curr);
+                if !stream_wants_to_tx && !packet_wants_to_tx {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // We have something we might send if the channel is free
+                // TODO: Proper full duplex support
+                // A true full duplex TNC should be able to rx and tx concurrently, implying
+                // separate states.
+                if !self.full_duplex {
+                    match self.next_csma_check {
+                        None => {
+                            if self.dcd {
+                                self.next_csma_check = Some(self.now + 1920);
+                                return None;
+                            } else {
+                                // channel is idle at the moment we get a frame to send
+                                // go right ahead
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Some(at_time) => {
+                            if self.now < at_time {
+                                return None;
+                            }
+                            // 25% chance that we'll transmit this slot.
+                            // Using self.now as random is probably fine so long as it's not being set in
+                            // a lumpy manner. m17app's soundmodem should be fine.
+                            // TODO: bring in prng to help in cases where `now` never ends in 0b11
+                            let p1_4 = (self.now & 3) == 3;
+                            if !self.dcd || !p1_4 {
+                                self.next_csma_check = Some(self.now + 1920);
+                                return None;
+                            } else {
+                                self.next_csma_check = None;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if stream_wants_to_tx {
+                    self.state = State::TxStream;
+                } else {
+                    self.state = State::TxPacket;
+                }
+                self.ptt = true;
+                Some(ModulatorFrame::Preamble {
+                    tx_delay: self.tx_delay,
+                })
+            }
+            State::TxStream => {
+                if !self.stream_full && self.stream_next == self.stream_curr {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                if let Some(lsf) = self.stream_pending_lsf.take() {
+                    return Some(ModulatorFrame::Lsf(lsf));
+                }
+                let frame = self.stream_queue[self.stream_curr].clone();
+                if self.stream_full {
+                    self.stream_full = false;
+                }
+                self.stream_curr = (self.stream_curr + 1) % 8;
+                if frame.end_of_stream {
+                    self.state = State::TxStreamSentEndOfStream;
+                }
+                Some(ModulatorFrame::Stream(frame))
+            }
+            State::TxStreamSentEndOfStream => {
+                self.state = State::TxEnding;
+                Some(ModulatorFrame::EndOfTransmission)
+            }
+            State::TxPacket => {
+                if !self.packet_full && self.packet_next == self.packet_curr {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                while self.packet_next != self.packet_curr {
+                    match self.packet_queue[self.packet_curr].next_frame() {
+                        Some(frame) => {
+                            return Some(frame);
+                        }
+                        None => {
+                            self.packet_curr = (self.packet_curr + 1) % 4;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                self.state = State::TxEnding;
+                Some(ModulatorFrame::EndOfTransmission)
+            }
+            State::TxEnding | State::TxEndingAtTime(_) => {
+                // Once we have signalled EOT we withold any new frames until
+                // the channel fully clears and we are ready to TX again
+                None
+            }
+        }
     /// Read KISS message to be sent to host.
@@ -165,13 +356,123 @@ impl SoftTnc {
+    /// Host sends in some KISS data.
     pub fn write_kiss(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> usize {
         let target_buf = self.kiss_buffer.buf_remaining();
         let n = buf.len().min(target_buf.len());
-        while let Some(_kiss_frame) = self.kiss_buffer.next_frame() {
-            // TODO: handle host-to-TNC message
+        while let Some(kiss_frame) = self.kiss_buffer.next_frame() {
+            let Ok(port) = kiss_frame.port() else {
+                continue;
+            };
+            let Ok(command) = kiss_frame.command() else {
+                continue;
+            };
+            if port != PORT_PACKET_BASIC && port != PORT_PACKET_FULL && port != PORT_STREAM {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if command == KissCommand::TxDelay {
+                let mut new_delay = [0u8; 1];
+                if kiss_frame.decode_payload(&mut new_delay) == Ok(1) {
+                    self.tx_delay = new_delay[0];
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            if command == KissCommand::FullDuplex {
+                let mut new_duplex = [0u8; 1];
+                if kiss_frame.decode_payload(&mut new_duplex) == Ok(1) {
+                    self.full_duplex = new_duplex[0] != 0;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            if command != KissCommand::DataFrame {
+                // Not supporting any other settings yet
+                // TODO: allow adjusting P persistence parameter for CSMA
+                continue;
+            }
+            if port == PORT_PACKET_BASIC {
+                if self.packet_full {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let mut pending = PendingPacket::new();
+                pending.app_data[0] = 0x00; // RAW
+                let Ok(mut len) = kiss_frame.decode_payload(&mut pending.app_data[1..]) else {
+                    continue;
+                };
+                len += 1; // for RAW prefix
+                let packet_crc = crate::crc::m17_crc(&pending.app_data[0..len]);
+                pending.app_data[len..len + 2].copy_from_slice(&packet_crc.to_be_bytes());
+                pending.app_data_len = len + 2;
+                pending.lsf = Some(LsfFrame::new_packet(
+                    &Address::Callsign(Callsign(*b"M17RT-PKT")),
+                    &Address::Broadcast,
+                ));
+                self.packet_queue[self.packet_next] = pending;
+                self.packet_next = (self.packet_next + 1) % 4;
+                if self.packet_next == self.packet_curr {
+                    self.packet_full = true;
+                }
+            } else if port == PORT_PACKET_FULL {
+                if self.packet_full {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let mut pending = PendingPacket::new();
+                let mut payload = [0u8; 855];
+                let Ok(len) = kiss_frame.decode_payload(&mut payload) else {
+                    continue;
+                };
+                if len < 33 {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let mut lsf = LsfFrame([0u8; 30]);
+                lsf.0.copy_from_slice(&payload[0..30]);
+                if lsf.check_crc() != 0 {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                pending.lsf = Some(lsf);
+                let app_data_len = len - 30;
+                pending.app_data[0..app_data_len].copy_from_slice(&payload[30..len]);
+                pending.app_data_len = app_data_len;
+                self.packet_queue[self.packet_next] = pending;
+                self.packet_next = (self.packet_next + 1) % 4;
+                if self.packet_next == self.packet_curr {
+                    self.packet_full = true;
+                }
+            } else if port == PORT_STREAM {
+                let mut payload = [0u8; 30];
+                let Ok(len) = kiss_frame.decode_payload(&mut payload) else {
+                    continue;
+                };
+                if len < 26 {
+                    log::debug!("payload len too short");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if len == 30 {
+                    let lsf = LsfFrame(payload);
+                    if lsf.check_crc() != 0 {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    self.stream_pending_lsf = Some(lsf);
+                } else {
+                    if self.stream_full {
+                        log::debug!("stream full");
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    let frame_num_part = u16::from_be_bytes([payload[6], payload[7]]);
+                    self.stream_queue[self.stream_next] = StreamFrame {
+                        lich_idx: payload[5] >> 5,
+                        lich_part: payload[0..5].try_into().unwrap(),
+                        frame_number: frame_num_part & 0x7fff,
+                        end_of_stream: frame_num_part & 0x8000 > 0,
+                        stream_data: payload[8..24].try_into().unwrap(),
+                    };
+                    self.stream_next = (self.stream_next + 1) % 8;
+                    if self.stream_next == self.stream_curr {
+                        self.stream_full = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
@@ -184,6 +485,12 @@ impl SoftTnc {
+impl Default for SoftTnc {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        Self::new()
+    }
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
 pub enum SoftTncError {
     General(&'static str),
@@ -195,8 +502,9 @@ struct OutgoingKiss {
     sent: usize,
 enum State {
-    /// Nothing happening.
+    /// Nothing happening. We may have TX data queued but we won't act on it until CSMA opens up.
     /// We received some stream data but missed the leading LSF so we are trying to assemble from LICH.
@@ -207,7 +515,21 @@ enum State {
     /// We are receiving a packet. All is well so far, and there is more data to come before we tell the host.
-    // TODO: TX
+    /// PTT is on and this is a stream-type transmission. New data may be added.
+    TxStream,
+    /// We have delivered the last frame in the current stream
+    TxStreamSentEndOfStream,
+    /// PTT is on and this is a packet-type transmission. New packets may be enqueued.
+    TxPacket,
+    /// We gave modulator an EndOfTransmission. PTT is still on, waiting for modulator to advise end time.
+    TxEnding,
+    /// Ending transmission, PTT remains on, but we know the timestamp at which we should disengage it.
+    TxEndingAtTime(u64),
 struct RxAcquiringStreamState {
@@ -217,7 +539,7 @@ struct RxAcquiringStreamState {
 struct RxStreamState {
     /// Track identifying information for this transmission so we can tell if it changes.
-    lsf: LsfFrame,
+    _lsf: LsfFrame,
     /// Expected next frame number. Allowed to skip values on RX, but not go backwards.
     index: u16,
@@ -235,6 +557,70 @@ struct RxPacketState {
     count: usize,
+struct PendingPacket {
+    lsf: Option<LsfFrame>,
+    app_data: [u8; 825],
+    app_data_len: usize,
+    app_data_transmitted: usize,
+impl PendingPacket {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            lsf: None,
+            app_data: [0u8; 825],
+            app_data_len: 0,
+            app_data_transmitted: 0,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns next frame, not including preamble or EOT.
+    ///
+    /// False means all data frames have been sent.
+    fn next_frame(&mut self) -> Option<ModulatorFrame> {
+        if let Some(lsf) = self.lsf.take() {
+            return Some(ModulatorFrame::Lsf(lsf));
+        }
+        if self.app_data_len == self.app_data_transmitted {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let remaining = self.app_data_len - self.app_data_transmitted;
+        let (counter, data_len) = if remaining <= 25 {
+            (
+                PacketFrameCounter::FinalFrame {
+                    payload_len: remaining,
+                },
+                remaining,
+            )
+        } else {
+            (
+                PacketFrameCounter::Frame {
+                    index: self.app_data_transmitted / 25,
+                },
+                25,
+            )
+        };
+        let mut payload = [0u8; 25];
+        payload[0..data_len].copy_from_slice(
+            &self.app_data[self.app_data_transmitted..(self.app_data_transmitted + data_len)],
+        );
+        self.app_data_transmitted += data_len;
+        Some(ModulatorFrame::Packet(PacketFrame { payload, counter }))
+    }
+impl Default for PendingPacket {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            lsf: None,
+            app_data: [0u8; 825],
+            app_data_len: 0,
+            app_data_transmitted: 0,
+        }
+    }
 mod tests {
     use super::*;