-// The "objc2" project aims to provide bindings for all frameworks but Network.framework
-// isn't ready yet so let's kick it old-school
-struct nw_path_monitor;
-type nw_path_monitor_t = *mut nw_path_monitor;
-struct nw_path;
-type nw_path_t = *mut nw_path;
-struct dispatch_queue;
-type dispatch_queue_t = *mut dispatch_queue;
-const QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND: usize = 0x09;
-#[link(name = "Network", kind = "framework")]
-extern "C" {
- fn nw_path_monitor_create() -> nw_path_monitor_t;
- fn nw_path_monitor_set_update_handler(
- monitor: nw_path_monitor_t,
- update_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(nw_path_t)>,
- );
- fn nw_path_monitor_set_queue(monitor: nw_path_monitor_t, queue: dispatch_queue_t);
- fn nw_path_monitor_start(monitor: nw_path_monitor_t);
- fn nw_path_monitor_cancel(monitor: nw_path_monitor_t);
- fn dispatch_get_global_queue(identifier: usize, flag: usize) -> dispatch_queue_t;
-mod test {
- use super::list_interfaces;
- #[test]
- fn list() {
- let ifaces = list_interfaces().unwrap();
- println!("{:?}", ifaces);
+fn format_mac(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ let mut mac = String::with_capacity(bytes.len() * 3);
+ for (i, b) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i != 0 {
+ write!(mac, ":").map_err(|_| Error::FormatMacAddress)?;
+ }
+ write!(mac, "{:02X}", b).map_err(|_| Error::FormatMacAddress)?;