]> code.octet-stream.net Git - m17rt/blob - m17core/src/decode.rs
Spruce up the high-level API for specifying addresses for transmission
[m17rt] / m17core / src / decode.rs
1 use crate::{
2 bits::BitsMut,
3 fec::{self, p_1, p_2, p_3},
4 interleave::interleave,
5 protocol::{
6 LsfFrame, PacketFrame, PacketFrameCounter, StreamFrame, BERT_SYNC, END_OF_TRANSMISSION,
8 },
9 random::random_xor,
10 };
11 use log::debug;
13 const PLUS_THREE: [u8; 2] = [0, 1];
14 const PLUS_ONE: [u8; 2] = [0, 0];
15 const MINUS_ONE: [u8; 2] = [1, 0];
16 const MINUS_THREE: [u8; 2] = [1, 1];
18 fn decode_sample(sample: f32) -> [u8; 2] {
19 if sample > 0.667 {
21 } else if sample > 0.0 {
23 } else if sample > -0.667 {
25 } else {
27 }
28 }
30 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
31 pub(crate) enum SyncBurst {
32 Lsf,
33 Bert,
34 Stream,
35 Packet,
36 Preamble,
37 EndOfTransmission,
38 }
40 impl SyncBurst {
41 pub(crate) fn target(&self) -> [i8; 8] {
42 match self {
43 Self::Lsf => LSF_SYNC,
44 Self::Bert => BERT_SYNC,
45 Self::Stream => STREAM_SYNC,
46 Self::Packet => PACKET_SYNC,
47 Self::Preamble => PREAMBLE,
48 Self::EndOfTransmission => END_OF_TRANSMISSION,
49 }
50 }
51 }
53 const SYNC_MIN_GAIN: f32 = 16.0;
54 const SYNC_BIT_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.3;
55 pub const SYNC_THRESHOLD: f32 = 100.0;
57 pub(crate) fn sync_burst_correlation(target: [i8; 8], samples: &[f32]) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
58 let mut pos_max: f32 = f32::MIN;
59 let mut neg_max: f32 = f32::MAX;
60 for i in 0..8 {
61 pos_max = pos_max.max(samples[i]);
62 neg_max = neg_max.min(samples[i]);
63 }
64 let gain = (pos_max - neg_max) / 2.0;
65 let shift = pos_max + neg_max;
66 if gain < SYNC_MIN_GAIN {
67 return (f32::MAX, gain, shift);
68 }
70 let mut diff = 0.0;
71 for i in 0..8 {
72 let sym_diff = (((samples[i] - shift) / gain) - target[i] as f32).abs();
73 if sym_diff > SYNC_BIT_THRESHOLD {
74 return (f32::MAX, gain, shift);
75 }
76 diff += sym_diff;
77 }
78 (diff, gain, shift)
79 }
81 /// Decode frame and return contents after the sync burst
82 pub(crate) fn frame_initial_decode(frame: &[f32] /* length 192 */) -> [u8; 46] {
83 let mut decoded = [0u8; 48];
84 let mut decoded_bits = BitsMut::new(&mut decoded);
85 for (idx, s) in frame.iter().enumerate() {
86 let dibits = decode_sample(*s);
87 decoded_bits.set_bit(idx * 2, dibits[0]);
88 decoded_bits.set_bit(idx * 2 + 1, dibits[1]);
89 }
90 random_xor(&mut decoded[2..]);
91 interleave(&decoded[2..])
92 }
94 pub(crate) fn parse_lsf(frame: &[f32] /* length 192 */) -> Option<LsfFrame> {
95 let deinterleaved = frame_initial_decode(frame);
96 debug!("deinterleaved: {:?}", deinterleaved);
97 let lsf = match fec::decode(&deinterleaved, 240, p_1) {
98 Some(lsf) => LsfFrame(lsf),
99 None => return None,
100 };
101 debug!("full lsf: {:?}", lsf.0);
102 let crc = lsf.check_crc();
103 debug!("recv crc: {:04X}", crc);
104 debug!("destination: {:?}", lsf.destination());
105 debug!("source: {:?}", lsf.source());
106 debug!("mode: {:?}", lsf.mode());
107 debug!("data type: {:?}", lsf.data_type());
108 debug!("encryption type: {:?}", lsf.encryption_type());
109 debug!("can: {}", lsf.channel_access_number());
110 debug!("meta: {:?}", lsf.meta());
111 Some(lsf)
112 }
114 pub(crate) fn parse_stream(frame: &[f32] /* length 192 */) -> Option<StreamFrame> {
115 let deinterleaved = frame_initial_decode(frame);
116 let stream_part = &deinterleaved[12..];
117 let stream = match fec::decode(stream_part, 144, p_2) {
118 Some(stream) => stream,
119 None => return None,
120 };
121 let frame_num = u16::from_be_bytes([stream[0], stream[1]]);
122 let eos = (frame_num & 0x8000) > 0;
123 let frame_num = frame_num & 0x7fff; // higher layer has to handle wraparound
124 debug!("frame number: {frame_num}, codec2: {:?}", &stream[2..18]);
126 if let Some((counter, part)) = decode_lich(&deinterleaved[0..12]) {
127 debug!(
128 "LICH: received part {counter} part {part:?} from raw {:?}",
129 &deinterleaved[0..12]
130 );
131 Some(StreamFrame {
132 lich_idx: counter,
133 lich_part: part,
134 frame_number: frame_num,
135 end_of_stream: eos,
136 stream_data: stream[2..18].try_into().unwrap(),
137 })
138 } else {
139 None
140 }
141 }
143 pub(crate) fn parse_packet(frame: &[f32] /* length 192 */) -> Option<PacketFrame> {
144 let deinterleaved = frame_initial_decode(frame);
145 let packet = match fec::decode(&deinterleaved, 206, p_3) {
146 Some(packet) => packet,
147 None => return None,
148 };
149 // TODO: the spec is inconsistent about which bit in packet[25] is EOF
150 // https://github.com/M17-Project/M17_spec/issues/147
151 let final_frame = (packet[25] & 0x80) > 0;
152 let number = (packet[25] >> 2) & 0x1f;
153 let counter = if final_frame {
154 PacketFrameCounter::FinalFrame {
155 payload_len: number as usize,
156 }
157 } else {
158 PacketFrameCounter::Frame {
159 index: number as usize,
160 }
161 };
162 Some(PacketFrame {
163 payload: packet[0..25].try_into().unwrap(),
164 counter,
165 })
166 }
168 pub(crate) fn decode_lich(type2_bits: &[u8]) -> Option<(u8, [u8; 5])> {
169 let mut decoded = 0u64;
170 for (input_idx, input_bytes) in type2_bits.chunks(3).enumerate() {
171 let mut input: u32 = 0;
172 for (idx, byte) in input_bytes.iter().enumerate() {
173 input |= (*byte as u32) << (16 - (8 * idx));
174 }
175 let (val, _dist) = cai_golay::extended::decode(input)?;
176 decoded |= (val as u64) << ((3 - input_idx) * 12);
177 }
178 let b = decoded.to_be_bytes();
179 Some((b[7] >> 5, [b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6]]))
180 }
182 #[cfg(test)]
183 mod tests {
184 use super::*;
186 #[test]
187 fn test_lich_decode() {
188 let input = [221, 82, 162, 16, 85, 200, 5, 14, 254, 4, 13, 153];
189 let expected_counter = 2;
190 let expected_part = [221, 81, 5, 5, 0];
191 assert_eq!(decode_lich(&input), Some((expected_counter, expected_part)));
192 }
193 }