]> code.octet-stream.net Git - m17rt/blob - m17core/src/fec.rs
Configurable output card for codec2 adapter
[m17rt] / m17core / src / fec.rs
1 use crate::bits::{Bits, BitsMut};
2 use log::debug;
4 struct Transition {
5 input: u8,
6 output: [u8; 2],
7 source: usize,
8 }
10 static TRANSITIONS: [Transition; 32] = [
11 Transition {
12 input: 0,
13 output: [0, 0],
14 source: 0,
15 },
16 Transition {
17 input: 0,
18 output: [1, 1],
19 source: 1,
20 },
21 Transition {
22 input: 0,
23 output: [1, 0],
24 source: 2,
25 },
26 Transition {
27 input: 0,
28 output: [0, 1],
29 source: 3,
30 },
31 Transition {
32 input: 0,
33 output: [0, 1],
34 source: 4,
35 },
36 Transition {
37 input: 0,
38 output: [1, 0],
39 source: 5,
40 },
41 Transition {
42 input: 0,
43 output: [1, 1],
44 source: 6,
45 },
46 Transition {
47 input: 0,
48 output: [0, 0],
49 source: 7,
50 },
51 Transition {
52 input: 0,
53 output: [0, 1],
54 source: 8,
55 },
56 Transition {
57 input: 0,
58 output: [1, 0],
59 source: 9,
60 },
61 Transition {
62 input: 0,
63 output: [1, 1],
64 source: 10,
65 },
66 Transition {
67 input: 0,
68 output: [0, 0],
69 source: 11,
70 },
71 Transition {
72 input: 0,
73 output: [0, 0],
74 source: 12,
75 },
76 Transition {
77 input: 0,
78 output: [1, 1],
79 source: 13,
80 },
81 Transition {
82 input: 0,
83 output: [1, 0],
84 source: 14,
85 },
86 Transition {
87 input: 0,
88 output: [0, 1],
89 source: 15,
90 },
91 Transition {
92 input: 1,
93 output: [1, 1],
94 source: 0,
95 },
96 Transition {
97 input: 1,
98 output: [0, 0],
99 source: 1,
100 },
101 Transition {
102 input: 1,
103 output: [0, 1],
104 source: 2,
105 },
106 Transition {
107 input: 1,
108 output: [1, 0],
109 source: 3,
110 },
111 Transition {
112 input: 1,
113 output: [1, 0],
114 source: 4,
115 },
116 Transition {
117 input: 1,
118 output: [0, 1],
119 source: 5,
120 },
121 Transition {
122 input: 1,
123 output: [0, 0],
124 source: 6,
125 },
126 Transition {
127 input: 1,
128 output: [1, 1],
129 source: 7,
130 },
131 Transition {
132 input: 1,
133 output: [1, 0],
134 source: 8,
135 },
136 Transition {
137 input: 1,
138 output: [0, 1],
139 source: 9,
140 },
141 Transition {
142 input: 1,
143 output: [0, 0],
144 source: 10,
145 },
146 Transition {
147 input: 1,
148 output: [1, 1],
149 source: 11,
150 },
151 Transition {
152 input: 1,
153 output: [1, 1],
154 source: 12,
155 },
156 Transition {
157 input: 1,
158 output: [0, 0],
159 source: 13,
160 },
161 Transition {
162 input: 1,
163 output: [0, 1],
164 source: 14,
165 },
166 Transition {
167 input: 1,
168 output: [1, 0],
169 source: 15,
170 },
171 ];
173 pub(crate) fn p_1(step: usize) -> (bool, bool) {
174 let mod61 = step % 61;
175 let is_even = mod61 % 2 == 0;
176 (mod61 > 30 || is_even, mod61 < 30 || is_even)
177 }
179 pub(crate) fn p_2(step: usize) -> (bool, bool) {
180 let mod6 = step % 6;
181 (true, mod6 != 5)
182 }
184 pub(crate) fn p_3(step: usize) -> (bool, bool) {
185 let mod4 = step % 4;
186 (true, mod4 != 3)
187 }
189 fn best_previous(table: &[[u8; 32]; 244], step: usize, state: usize) -> u8 {
190 if step == 0 {
191 if state == 0 {
192 return 0;
193 } else {
194 return u8::MAX;
195 }
196 }
197 let prev1 = table[step - 1][state * 2];
198 let prev2 = table[step - 1][state * 2 + 1];
199 prev1.min(prev2)
200 }
202 fn hamming_distance(first: &[u8], second: &[u8]) -> u8 {
203 first
204 .iter()
205 .zip(second.iter())
206 .map(|(x, y)| if *x == *y { 0 } else { 1 })
207 .sum()
208 }
210 // maximum 368 type 3 bits, maximum 240 type 1 bits, 4 flush bits
211 pub(crate) fn decode(
212 type3: &[u8], // up to len 46
213 input_len: usize,
214 puncture: fn(usize) -> (bool, bool),
215 ) -> Option<[u8; 30]> {
216 let type3_bits = Bits::new(type3);
217 let mut type3_iter = type3_bits.iter();
218 let mut table = [[0u8; 32]; 244];
219 for step in 0..(input_len + 4) {
220 let (use_g1, use_g2) = puncture(step);
221 let split_idx = if use_g1 && use_g2 { 2 } else { 1 };
222 let mut input_bits = [0u8; 2];
223 input_bits[0] = type3_iter.next().unwrap();
224 let step_input = if split_idx == 1 {
225 &input_bits[0..1]
226 } else {
227 input_bits[1] = type3_iter.next().unwrap();
228 &input_bits[0..2]
229 };
230 for (t_idx, t) in TRANSITIONS.iter().enumerate() {
231 let t_offer = if use_g1 && use_g2 {
232 &t.output[..]
233 } else if use_g1 {
234 &t.output[0..1]
235 } else {
236 &t.output[1..2]
237 };
238 let step_dist = hamming_distance(step_input, t_offer);
239 table[step][t_idx] = best_previous(&table, step, t.source).saturating_add(step_dist);
240 }
241 }
242 let (mut best_idx, best) = table[input_len + 3]
243 .iter()
244 .enumerate()
245 .min_by_key(|(_, i)| *i)
246 .unwrap();
247 debug!("Best score is {best}, transition {best_idx}");
248 if *best > 6 {
249 None
250 } else {
251 let mut out = [0u8; 30];
252 let mut out_bits = BitsMut::new(&mut out);
253 for step in (0..(input_len + 4)).rev() {
254 let input = TRANSITIONS[best_idx].input;
255 if step < input_len {
256 out_bits.set_bit(step, input);
257 }
258 if step > 0 {
259 let state = TRANSITIONS[best_idx].source;
260 let prev1 = table[step - 1][state * 2];
261 let prev2 = table[step - 1][state * 2 + 1];
262 best_idx = if prev1 < prev2 {
263 state * 2
264 } else {
265 state * 2 + 1
266 };
267 }
268 }
269 Some(out)
270 }
271 }
273 /// Perform convolutional encoding on payload.
274 ///
275 /// Four flush bits will be appended automatically.
276 ///
277 /// Parameters:
278 /// * `type1`: Type 1 bits, maximum length 30 bytes
279 /// * `input_len`: Number of type 1 bits, up to 240
280 /// * `puncture`: Puncturing scheme - `p_1`, `p_2` or `p_3`
281 ///
282 /// Returns up to 368 type 3 bits. Caller is responsible for knowing the number of
283 /// filled bits in the returned array, which is known statically by the type of
284 /// payload and puncturing scheme in use.
285 pub(crate) fn encode(
286 type1: &[u8],
287 input_len: usize,
288 puncture: fn(usize) -> (bool, bool),
289 ) -> [u8; 46] {
290 let mut out = [0u8; 46];
291 let bits = Bits::new(type1);
292 let mut out_idx = 0;
293 let mut out_bits = BitsMut::new(&mut out);
294 let mut state: u8 = 0;
295 for (t1_idx, b) in bits
296 .iter()
297 .take(input_len)
298 .chain(core::iter::repeat_n(0, 4))
299 .enumerate()
300 {
301 let (use_g1, use_g2) = puncture(t1_idx);
302 if use_g1 {
303 let g1 = (b + ((state & 0x02) >> 1) + (state & 0x01)) & 0x01;
304 out_bits.set_bit(out_idx, g1);
305 out_idx += 1;
306 }
307 if use_g2 {
308 let g2 = (b + ((state & 0x08) >> 3) + ((state & 0x04) >> 2) + (state & 0x01)) & 0x01;
309 out_bits.set_bit(out_idx, g2);
310 out_idx += 1;
311 }
312 state = (state >> 1) | (b << 3);
313 }
314 out
315 }
317 #[cfg(test)]
318 mod tests {
319 use super::*;
321 #[test]
322 fn lsf_fec_round_trip() {
323 let lsf = [
324 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 159, 221, 81, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
325 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 131, 53,
326 ];
327 let expected_encoded = [
328 222, 73, 36, 146, 73, 37, 182, 219, 109, 76, 0, 0, 0, 5, 191, 47, 25, 186, 30, 214,
329 237, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 153, 208,
330 119,
331 ];
332 let encoded = encode(&lsf, 240, p_1);
333 assert_eq!(encoded, expected_encoded);
334 let decoded = decode(&encoded, 240, p_1);
335 assert_eq!(decoded, Some(lsf));
336 }
338 #[test]
339 fn fec_damage() {
340 let lsf = [
341 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 159, 221, 81, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
342 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 131, 53,
343 ];
344 let mut encoded = encode(&lsf, 240, p_1);
346 // progressively flip more bits
347 for idx in [50, 90, 51, 200, 15, 7, 100] {
348 let mut bits = BitsMut::new(&mut encoded);
349 let bit = bits.get_bit(idx);
350 bits.set_bit(idx, if bit == 1 { 0 } else { 1 });
351 let decoded = decode(&encoded, 240, p_1);
352 if idx == 100 {
353 assert_eq!(decoded, None); // 7 bits is too much damage
354 } else {
355 assert_eq!(decoded, Some(lsf)); // recovered from errors
356 }
357 }
358 }
359 }